Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Teacher's Toolbox: Reflections on the first "Adventure"

Reader Note: ("Adventure" is synonymous to "Chapter")

Adventure #1: Regarding the tools of the trade, in which I, a miser of tools, but a master of none, seek to deconstruct an old castle to build a new one.

There is an old castle, which can be found in multitudes of every district and province. It is ruled by an old rule which lacks a deep rooted connection to reality and the ever-fluxing culture and educational needs of its inhabitants. This old castle characterizes most of our schools.

There is a new castle, yet to be built. For its builders are prisoners at the old, wherein they are conspiring to break free and break down the old to build the new. These new castles are not restrained by stoned walls and arched buttrices. Neither are these new castles confined to space and time. You may wonder then, how can one build this invisible and timeless bastion? This, too, was my question. I can collect tools; but, can I weild them like my master? It is the sword master, not the sword carrier, that is worthy of being a knight honored.

I want to help build this new castle. I want to help spur others toward the same task. To build, we need a foundation, a structure and a purpose. I contend, the foundation for any structure cannot be anything less than the Glory of God, Christ. For my master spoke to me, that in so resolving to keep Christ foundational to any structure, be it a profession, a family, a home, a school, a business or church, it cannot fall. So many structures, and castles, are worthy to fall, but I pray they are not those whose foundation is Christ. Why? How is this conceivable? Well, as my eloquent and estute master informed me, when there competes anything with the glory of Christ, this foundation can shake and fall. But, there will be no contender. There will be no other. For He, He cannot allow it. Such is the glory of the most Glorious. Further, the foundation supports the structure and the purpose. And, is it not true, that the structure which technology erects hangs by a thread which dangles like the spider, but from the hand of God, who holds all things tightly or loosely? It is true!

Technology is the tool. The new castle, the school for social, emotional, spiritual and mental growth, is being constructed with a new brick and a new mortar. Technology, so it seems, is both the tool and the wood on which it widdles. It's purpose? Human sanctification, knowledge acquisition, cultural collaboration, authentic contribution, democratic solution, global competition, and above all, Godly glorification.

These are some of the tools I have collected (and will in the next two weeks) and hope to use to help build a functional new castle:
  • Weblog
  • Wikis
  • Movie Maker
  • Podcast
  • Search Engines

A new castle, however, brings new risks to her inhabitants. Safety, an illustrious ambition, must be pursued and set as a guard over the new castle peoples. But, are the commoners ready to battle for this commodity? But, if in pursuit of safety, the solution becomes a series of laws, though they may be as glorious as the Law, cannot, like the Law, transfer righteousness into the lives and hearts of the new castle. Rather, the law only serves to awaken opportunity and condemn us all in the end; though it can dissuade behavior, it cannot tame the heart. Technology brings great threat, but should we neglect this gift of glory because it can also be used as a weapon of wickedness? I think not! Thus, I must build this new castle!

Yet, I alone cannot build this castle. I mustn't be! And, indeed, it is an impossible feat! This new castle, which we already stated is not bound to place or time, demands the accepted responsibility of its district and her benefactors. Squires, masters, lords, sorcerers and magicians, like teachers, students, administrators, parents and tech specialists, we all must contribute, we all must take part, we all must seek to build a new castle. Yes, the time has come, my master has called. Onward, weak Rocinante! The adventure continues!

1 comment:

  1. I like that how you have so much passion in your motivation for teaching. The fact that you care that much will certainly carry you far in your relationships with your students and in your career.
