Saturday, May 23, 2009

So, what does this all mean: Thoughts on Adventure 9

"There is little doubt that the Internet will continue to explode as the most comprehensive source of information in histroy. . . [and] there is no doubt that the ability of our teachers and students to use that knowledge effectively is of the highest importance." The use of knowledge, be it true knowledge, makes a man wise. Constant application of knowledge to the real situations of life are, in my opinion, one of the greatest ways to honor God with our lives. Perhaps, as the Roman empire opened roads, which paved the way for the Gospel to rapidly grow, perhaps the Lord is doing another good work in opening up the internet to the billions and resourcing students and teachers is a part of God's mighty world-wide movement of grace.

Collaboration is the medium through which products of the 21st century are to be manufactured. The necessity of working together is epitomized in marriage. Collaboration has a new page which includes the opportunity to work together with others worlds away. However, I hope that in collaborating across the globe will not steal the weaken the collaborative necessity of working with people here (neighbors, family members, etc.).

Literacy must extend beyond the reading and writing that we've known until know. It certainly doesn't limit this definition, but it must grow to include editing ("being a critical reader and viewer, not simply accepting what is presented). Further, we must grow in literacy of publishing. Nowadays, everyone can have a voice; therefore, "we must teach and model the ways in which ideas and products can be brought online." Also, literacy must include virtual collaboration, information management (as we "collect, store retrieve relevant information").

Some key BIG SHIFTS (as listed by Richardson):

1. Many, Many Teachers, and 24/7 Learning

The teacher in the classroom mustn't be the only contributing teacher to students. The Read/Write Web allows classroom teachers to be fantastic facilitators and networkers with other commoners and professionals.

2. Collaborative Construction of Meaningful Knowledge

3. Teaching is Conversation, Not Lecture

4. Writing is no longer Limited to Text

5. Mastery is the Product, Not the Test

6. Contribution, Not Completion, as the Ultimate Goal

LASTLY, Teachers as:

  1. Connectors
  2. Content Creators
  3. Collaborators
  4. Coaches
  5. Change Agents

I do not think any of these labels for teachers are anything new. However, the way in which we can do our job is changing as swiftly as the internet capabilities itself.

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